The gathering began at noon, but our very own Shelley Landry, as well as Cheryl Halverson, Benewah County Chair, were ready, willing and excited to be greeting our guests!
Rand Lewis, local resident and candidate for Idaho's first U.S. Congressional District, carries on a semi-serious discussion with Shoshone County's, Jerry White (Idaho Legislative District 2 Vice-Chair, as well as County Assessor), and Idaho Legislative District 1 Chair, Bob Marley.
Two long-term, hard-working, diligent and loyal Democrats from Boundary County, Elsie Hollenbeck (State Committeewoman) and former Senator Tim Tucker.
Again, Senator Tim Tucker getting his political fix with Boundary County Naples Precinct Captain, Lisa Robbe-Soults.
Not that I'm so biased, but the Boundary County Democrats, you know, Boundary County, Crown of Idaho, were well represented, along with Bonner County's Jim Ramsey (former Legislative District 1 Senatorial candidate). From left are Fred Hendrickson (Vice-Chair), Tim Tucker, Alice Hendrickson, Scott Soults, and loyal friend and mascot, Kia.
Don't think for a minute that Elvis would be hard-pressed to find his biggest fan, our own Jeanne Buell. Whatever he's singing obviously pleases Shelley as well.
And where would we be without some delicious food and hard-working cooks at this rally. A big thanks to Dave Larsen and Steve Foxx!
Well, finally, yours truly with her dear friend and Vice-Chair (I think of him as co-chair), the man who keeps track of the fund-raising, issues, and all the important stuff, Fred Hendrickson.
Idaho's U.S. Congressional District 1 candidate, Larry Grant, after reading a list two pages long of Bill Sali's latest idiocies as a congressional representative (check Red State Rebel's diary at the DailyKos), took a few moments to explain why an Elvis impersonator is important to Pam and himself. Wondering why? Well just ask him about the red Ford Mustang....
Finally, a special thanks goes to Kootenai County Chair, Bev Moss, pictured here with husband, Steve. Bev brings new life and new enthusiasm to north Idaho Democrats and helps to demonstrate what a viable and formidable group we have the potential to be.
I've probably thrown in way too many photos for most people, but this was an event that drew north Idahoans together in a way that hasn't been seen before the break up of the unions. North Idaho used to be a Democratic stronghold. When I go door-to-door talking to people, everyone's concerns turn out to be Democratic concerns, yet they're voting for the wrong party, or worse, no party at all. It's time for north Idaho to turn blue, again, and, for the rest of Idaho, if you're not blue already, please join in the movement to turn Idaho blue!
Idaho People, Idaho Values, Idaho Democrats! It's time to return home to the party that supports Idaho workers. Go Democrats!
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